Sunday, December 31, 2006

Here, Angels, I will be posting some photos I love, find inspiring, or are relative to me and my life! Hope you don't get bored to tears!

Love Always! *XO*

Monday, October 17, 2005

We were all entirely to busy trying to figure out what made a "Danger Rock" any different than any other. Perhaps they don't play in all the boulder games or they just like to hang out by themselves in dark alleys together. We weren't quite sure, but we did know one thing was for certain, you shouldn't label someone dangerous without trying to change their ways first to be more copesetic with society. We were pretty sure no one even tried.... damn shame. Those poor Danger Rocks...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hey! Just because I'm broke doesn't mean I can't be as Fabulous as I can be! Does it!?

Monday, April 25, 2005


Yocktangee Park Plate II

Another beauty taken inside the valley of Chillicothe's park!

Yocktangee Park Plate I

I can't believe I actually took this one, this series of plates is taken in my town's little (beautiful) park! WOW!

GrandView Plate I



GrandView Plate II

Lady Plate II


Lady Plate I

Posing for me, as always! These are test shots dear... not the real thing.

Lady Plate III

This is Lady the Feline, my muse!

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Me in a very "Paris" type-fashion...